We are sad to announce...
that we have been informed, Comicpalooza 2020 scheduled for May 22-24 at the George R. Brown in Houston, has been CANCELLED. We are extremely sad because this is one of the most fun shows we do. We have been told that 2021 is being planned and we will have a booth. So, plan ahead. In the meantime, if you would like to buy any of our comic related merchandise (or any merchandise), please contact us. We are trying to get it listed, but we have a lot! If you have ever seen our quilts made out of comic book panels, we have those quilts. The comic book panels are not available anymore, so what we have is it. We have Antman, Batman (2 different ones), Captain America, Hogwarts Houses, Hulk, Thor, Spiderman, Wonder Woman ( panels, quilts, and embroidery), and serveral others. Just contact us through the webpage, Instagram or Facebook and let us know what you want. That's all for now. We will keep you updated.